03 April 2013

Blue Carbon and climate change: a new website

Coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, saltmarshes and seagrasses are some of the most productive on Earth. By storing ‘blue’ carbon from the atmosphere and oceans, they are an essential part of climate change mitigation.
TeamSeagrass monitoring the seagrasses at Chek Jawa
just in front of the mangroves there.
The knowledge and action to maintain and restore coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, saltmarshes and seagrasses have increased significantly in the last two years said the International Blue Carbon Initiative during the launch of a new website that provides the latest blue carbon science and policy.

The website provides up-to-date information on the Initiative’s scientific and policy working groups, a general overview of blue carbon science and policy, as well as a compilation of existing field projects led by many partner organisations around the world. It will also foster greater collaboration and coordination within the global blue carbon community.
Vast stretches of globally rare Halophila beccarii grows
among mangroves at Kranji and Mandai.
On the website, find out 'What is Blue Carbon?', 'Where is it?' and 'Why is it important?'. As well as 'What is being done?'.

A new report Profiles in Blue Carbon Field Work also shows that a global community of scientists, policy makers and stakeholders is rallying around the concept of blue carbon as a nature-based tool to help mitigate global climate change.

Full article on the IUCN website and wildsingapore news

The Blue Carbon Initiative http://thebluecarboninitiative.org/