25 February 2013

Singapore's shores featured in SIF magazine

Thanks to Karenne Tun, there's a feature about Singapore's shores and some of the work done for them in  Singapore, a quarterly publication of the Singapore International Foundation (SIF).
The magazine is "one of the ways SIF helps build a better understanding of our country to the international community. Here is where we share stories, anecdotes and insights about the heart and soul of our country and its people, and turn the spotlight on a Singapore that is not immediately evident."

This issue highlights Singapore's biodiversity and some of the people working on the issues.
I'm touched to be among the people featured in "TRUE BLUES Local pioneers who have pushed for marine conservation". The others include Francis Lee and Dr Chua Ee Kiam. Dr Chua is truly a pioneer in nature conservation, and I am fortunate to have had him as a mentor who gave me much guidance and inspiration.
Karenne really writes well and managed to make sense of my babbling responses. Thank you Karenne!
Read these and other articles on Singapore the magazine online.