17 January 2013

Sharing about our shores with Shell

Today I had a chance to share our shores with about 25 people at Shell including some kids!
I had a great time talking about some of my favourite shores and how we can make a difference for them.

In my talk, I of course took the opportunity to highlight the marvellous Cyrene Reef which lies in the  middle of the Industrial Triangle.
Despite its location, Cyrene has great reefs, sandy shores and one of Singapore's best seagrass meadows!
I also shared some of the many efforts for our shores from volunteer-guided dives by the Hantu Bloggers and other outreach efforts and scientific studies on marine mammals and otters. As well as threats to our shores and the efforts taken to try to deal with them such as International Coastal Cleanup Singapore, Project Driftnet, the Oil Spill Response Plan put together among NGOs.

I gave out lots of our brand new Southern Shores pamphlet to everyone!
Guide to the Southern Shores of Singapore (2012 edition)
Click on image for larger view
It was nice to meet up with some of the Shell volunteers who are active in the Mega Marine Survey which Shell is also involved in. As well as some Shell volunteers with Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve who had visited Cyrene with me in 2011. AND also to meet with Ramon Martinez who gave us a briefing in Sep 2012 on Shell's planned dredging work. Ramon seems to have already visited major major nature sites in Singapore!

Thanks to Caroline, Sonia and Fiona for organising the talk. And thanks to the kind audience for their interesting questions and for putting up with my lame jokes. I hope to see them again soon at upcoming walks and other volunteer events such as the Mega Marine Survey and more!