02 December 2012

Sharing our shores with 5,000 people

Thanks to the generous support of a few kind people, the brand new edition of the Southern Shores of Singapore guidesheet is going to reach 5,000 people that I couldn't reach on my own!
Guide to the Southern Shores of Singapore (2012 edition)
Click on image for larger view
These kind souls responded to my call for help to make up a minimum order for the reprint of this simple guidesheet that says: YES! Singapore GOT marine life!

The generous pre-orders not only allowed us to reach a large bulk order thus reducing the per copy cost. More importantly to me, by taking these copies and giving them out to their own circle of influence, the guidesheet will reach many MANY more people than I could possibly have done on my own. Wonderful! Thank you!

My deep appreciation to the following people!

Jeffrey Low will be sharing a whopping 1,000 copies. Jeff is the scientific lead of ReefFriends with the Blue Water Volunteers who have been doing underwater surveys of Singapore's reefs for more than a decade. He does lots of marine scientific and outreach work and I'm sure he will be able to pass on the guidesheet to many people who can make a difference for our shores. Thanks Jeff!
Abigayle Ng and Tan Sijie will together share more than 1,000 copies with students, staff and visitors to the Raffles Institution. Abby also will share 200 copies via the Blue Water Volunteers. I had a chance during the delivery of the guidesheets to get a glimpse of some of the amazing work they are doing for science and marine studies at the Institution. Bravo!
Joanne Fang and friends from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore will be sharing 600 copies with all staff at MPA! Joanne and her colleagues have been to Cyrene Reef with me and shown great interest in our marine life. Bravo!
Catherine Chung of Zhnagde Primary School will share 500 copies with her students. Catherine also took me on a lovely tour of the awesome gardens at the school which has deservedly won many awards. What a great way introduce kids to nature! Catherine's passion is inspiring!
Thanks to Russel Low who donated 450 copies, Debby Ng who leads the the Hantu Bloggers will be able to give out the guidesheets during their monthly dives at our very own reefs at Pulau Hantu.  I failed to take a photo of Russel as he recently got injured and is unable to join us for field trips. Get well soon Russel!
Russel's donation is perfect as the new edition guidesheet includes a feature on diving in Singapore thanks to photos provided by Debby. Thank you Russel and Debby!
Heng Pei Yan will share 500 copies with students and staff at Katong Convent, coincidentally my old secondary school! Pei Yan is also a passionate nature guide and great nature photographer. Check out her blog for more of her inspiring adventures.
Lee Tang Ling will be sharing 500 copies with her colleagues at Haw Par including foreign visitors to the company as well as friends. Tang Ling has been a keen supporter of our work and I'm thankful for her constant encouragement.
Ley Kun will also be sharing 500 copies with all that she meets. Ley Kun is one of the leads at the Naked Hermit Crabs and volunteers at various other nature activities. I failed to take a photo of her with the guidesheet, but here is Mama Crab (left in grey) getting the families together before one of  the monthly free guided walks provided by the Naked Hermit Crabs.
Ley Kun is also a great nature artist! Here she is with her painting of the marvellous Melo melo or Bailer volute. Thank you Ley Kun!Chong Jun Hien will share 100 copies with his students at St. Joseph's Institution. He does great work taking the boys outdoors and getting them to make a difference for our shores, especially those at Pulau Ubin.
Angeline Ang will share 50 copies with her son and his school mates! It's heartwarming to know that there are parents who take the trouble to raise awareness about our shores! I'm inspired.
Of course, the latest edition of the guidesheets would not have been possible without the support of Green Prints who did a great job using paper from sustainable sources and using green technology low energy consumption printing machines. At a very competitive price too. Thank you Jun Hong and all at Green Prints!
Without the help of these kind souls, it would not have been possible to reprint the guidesheet. So a big THANK YOU to all!

The guidesheet was first born a long long time ago in 2004, put together with Loh Tse-Lynn and with the support of many volunteers from the Blue Water Volunteers.
Among the first people that we gave the guidesheet too was Prime Minister Lee, with Tse-Lynn doing the honours during an exhibition.
I now have lots of copies of my own to give away as well. I will give out about 2,000 guidesheets during talks.
They are also given out during guide training sessions. I also give them out as a useful aid for safety briefings before TeamSeagrass and other field trips to our reefs.
Sadly, the guidesheets are not for sale at shops as they don't sell well, so the shops don't want to carry them.

I do still have a few hundred unallocated copies available. If you would like to buy bulk purchases of them at 64cents per copy, do email me hello@wildsingapore.com.