30 October 2012

AMLive interview and basket star at the Northern Expedition Day 16

Prof Peter Ng and Prof Daphne Fautin shared about the Northern Expedition on AMLive, explaining what we found and why these were important in helping Singapore better understand and manage our marine ecosystems.
From the Raffles Museum facebook page.
A large basket star has also been found in the dredge survey! And another fruitful survey in the mangroves of Sungei Buloh.

The full AMLive interview is here. I couldn't figure out how to embed the video clip.

Rene shared this photo of an awesome find following a dredge survey: the amazing basket star! While we often see tiny ones during intertidal trips, I've not seen such a large one before.
Photo by Rene Ong on facebook.
After a busy morning outside Pulau Ubin, Prof Daphne and I rejoin the team for the field survey at Sungei Buloh.
This beautiful mangrove has stunning large trees and a great expanse of back mangroves.
Prof Daphne is on the hunt for the pretty pink anemone with a flowery mouth. Although not uncommon, this anemone has yet to be identified. She needs to have a closer look at them to sort it out.
Aha, we find several of these sea anemones. This one is next to the tracks made by a mudskipper. There were also lots of little horseshoe crabs everywhere.
Meanwhile Dr Zeehan is busy looking for gobies.
And I came across these two mangrove leaf slugs. Are they the same kind? Thankfully Dr Kathe is here at the Expedition to sort these out for us.
I'm sure there were lots of other exciting happenings at Base Camp that I missed today. Looking forward to an early morning visit tomorrow, for the last day of field trips at the Northern Expedition.