13 August 2012

Singapore marine life in PictoLife marine guidebook

Thanks to Antoine Dray, some photos of Singapore's marine life is featured in their new waterproof guide on marine life in the Red Sea - Indian Ocean!
I just received a copy of the guide today!

It's a really handy book that is waterproof!
With great information about all kinds of creatures. From colourful fishes.
To some familiar bivalves like Giant clams, also octopuses and cuttlefishes.
Also sea anemones (I think they used my photo of the Fire anemone!) and lots more.
PictoLife has an interesting website with more photos and information.
From their website: 
The All Red Sea sea-life, the Marine Pictolife describes more than 250 marine species. With its completely waterproof, plasticized pages, it easily fits into a diving vest pocket or a beachbag. The readily accesssible species information is provided through original and simple pictograms, with all names translated into 5 languages (English, German, French, Spanish and Italian). For each species, you will learn everything you need to know about where it lives, what it eats, its main biological characteristics, its behavior as well as how humans affect it.

Thank you Antoine Dray for including Singapore's marine life in this wonderful guide.

For more photos of Singapore's marine life for free download, visit wildsingapore flickr.