03 July 2012

Learning more about Singapore's seagrasses at Siti's workshop

How nice to see so many people gathered to learn more about seagrasses at Siti's Seagrass Workshop on 2 Jul!
I learnt lots and had lots of fun too!

Siti shared more about the importance of seagrasses not only to dugongs but also to people. She gave highlights of some studies on seagrasses, shared awesome maps of our seagrass meadows done by Rachel, and lots more!
Seagrasses are a part of the amazing marine ecosystems that thrive in Singapore. We learn more about how mangroves, seagrasses and coral reefs interact. Having a wide range of ecosystems makes for more healthy marine life!
We also had a great lab session to get our hands wet with real live seagrasses.
Everyone had fun trying to figure out those tricky seagrass species!
Siti arranged delicious tea breaks and a fabulous lunch! It was a great time to catch up with old friends and make new ones.
Even during the breaks, Siti was busy sharing more about our seagrasses.
We gave out TeamSeagrass stickers during the workshop and this is the most creative use of the stickers that I have seen!
Ooo, there's a little pufferfish in this container. I forgot to ask why it was there.
Siti had all kinds of interesting activities so we could think more about some of the threats to our seagrasses.
The groups worked hard on the activities and provided awesome inputs!
With lots of discussions after the activities. There was also a fun and thought-provoking quiz!
Before the workshop ended, everyone got together to think about some human-caused threats to seagrasses in Singapore and to rank these threats.
Everyone worked hard on this final and most important activity. The inputs will go a long way towards developing better approaches to managing seagrasses in Singapore.
It's heartening to know that so many people are interested to learn more and do more for our seagrasses!

Ordinary people CAN make a difference for Singapore's seagrasses. Join TeamSeagrass!