30 July 2012

How many monitor lizards at Sungei Buloh?

The latest issue of Wetlands by Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is out!
It is packed with information about the Reserve, including some findings of the monitor lizard survey there.

Part of the Sungei Buloh Master Plan are efforts to deal with erosion that is seriously affecting parts of the mangroves at the Reserve. Find out the latest on the construction of breakwaters.

As well as efforts to restore the coastline at the Reserve.
Here's more about the Sungei Buloh Masterplan, with updates given by the Reserve to volunteers in Aug 10 and Dec 10.

There are also more articles about outreach work being done at the Reserve and more. Download the latest issue of Wetlands from the Reserve website.

The most interesting article for me was the results of the Monitor lizard survey. For the past year, volunteers and staff at the Reserve have been conducting regular surveys to find out just how many Malayan water monitors (Varanus salvator) are at the Reserve. Contrary to be impression that there are hundreds and hundreds of these magnificent animals, the survey observed only about 25-50 per trip. More surveys will be conducted to learn more about these animals. I only managed to join a few of the surveys last year.
Ivan did a great series of articles about Singapore's monitor lizards for the Celebrating Singapore's Biodiversity blog. Check out his posts to learn everything you wanted to (and didn't want to) know about these amazing reptiles.

If you would like to volunteer at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, drop by their website for more information. There is an online form to sign up as well as more contact information.