26 June 2012

Extensive survey near submerged reefs off Pulau Hantu

Since May, extensive surveys involving diving operations is being carried out in the waters near submerged reefs off Pulau Hantu.
The intentions of the survey were not indicated. Last month, we saw dugong feeding trails on Terumbu Pempang Laut, and in April, we visited Terumbu Pempang Tengah where we saw Giant clams and good coral growths.

Area Survey off Pulau Busing
From Port Marine Notice NO. 66 OF 2012 dated 14 May 2012

With effect from 15 May 12 to 30 Jun 12. 0700 hours to 1900hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays. Off Pulau Busing and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):
The survey will involve diving operations. The survey boat, with safety boat in attendance, will have a circular safety working zone of 50 meters radius centered at the diving deployment boat. Further general enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Augustus Chan, the project engineer at Tel: 8200 9409 (email: chanaugustus@hotmail.com).

Area Survey off Pulau Busing
From Port Marine Notice NO. 81 OF 2012 dated 11 Jun 2012

This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 66 of 2012. The working details have been revised and the working period has been revised. With effect from 12 Jun 12 to 15 Jul 12. 0700 hours to 1900hours daily including Sundays. Off Pulau Busing and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):
The survey will involve diving operations. The survey boat, with safety boat in attendance, will have a circular safety working zone of 50 meters radius centered at the diving deployment boat. Further general enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Augustus Chan, the project engineer at Tel: 8200 9409 (email: