13 June 2012

Boggled by bivalves? Come for the Bivalve Workshop 23-27 Jul

Learn more about Singapore's fascinating clams at this Workshop! Ordinary people can join as day participants. Registration closes 15 Jul. The day lecture programme is now available.
Hammer oyster (Malleus sp.)
The intriguing Hammer oyster is a bivalve!
Dr Tan Koh Siang of the Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore will be conducting a Workshop: Introduction to Tropical Bivalves on 23-27 July, 2012.

Dr Tan Koh Siang is Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Marine Biology and Ecology Research group at the Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore. He has over 15 years experience working with the taxonomy and biology of tropical molluscs in Southeast Asia, and has published widely in international journals.

He is the author of, among many others, the popular BP Science Centre's A Guide to the Common Seashells of Singapore, an invaluable resource for ordinary people on our seashells.

Lecture Programme at St. John's Island

23 Jul (Mon)
9:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks by TMSI Director, followed by introduction of instructors and
10:00-12:00 Lecture #1: Introduction to the Bivalvia
13:00-14:30 Lecture #2: Bivalve classification, taxonomy and phylogeny

24 Jul (Tue)
14:00 – 15:30 Lecture #3: Bivalve structure and function 1: Protobranchia
16:00-17:00 Lecture #4: Bivalve structure and function 2: Pteriomorphia

26 Jul (Thu)
09:00-10:00 Lecture #5: Bivalve structure and function 3: Paleoheterodonta and Heterodonta
10:30-11:30 Lecture #6: Bivalve structure and function 4: Heterodonta

27 Jul (Fri)
9:00-10:00 Lecture #7: Ecology of bivalves
10:30-11:30 Lecture #8: Bivalves in aquaculture. (Guest lecture by Dr Sigit Diwono)
13:30-15:30 Lecture #9: Economic impacts of bivalves: biofouling, bio-invasions; use in environment monitoring

Ordinary people can join the workshop!

Day participants can join the workshop at $25 per half day session (this includes boat transport to and from St. John's Island where the lectures are being conducted). As a day participant you can only attend the lectures and observe some of the lab sessions. Although day participants may not attend field trips or take part in lab sessions, ample time will be given for Q&A after each lecture. You do not need to attend all of the lectures. You can choose which days to attend, but you need to confirm with the organisers again closer to the date of the workshop.

Places for day participants are limited, so register fast!

Please register by 15 Jul with Mr Heng Jiarui tmshj@nus.edu.sg Tel: +65-98223849

More details on the workshop on the TMSI website which includes registration forms. Pre-registration is required.