11 June 2012

16 Jun (Sat): "The Secret Life of Chek Jawa" by Joseph Lai

Joseph Lai played a critical role in Chek Jawa before reclamation was deferred. He was the first to highlight Chek Jawa to the nature community. He also raised the issue with the authorities, led a transect survey of Chek Jawa, conducted walks and wrote many articles about Chek Jawa. He continues to be a part of Chek Jawa well after reclamation was deferred.
Young artist with his work
Joseph Lai during the Dugong Ambassador event at Chek Jawa
that he organised in 2008
Come for Joseph Lai's talk to learn more about Chek Jawa, ten years after reclamation was deferred.

Talk synopsis: Hidden shoals, rocky islands and rugged coasts, mysterious sandbars and spits, mangroves and coastal hill and Singapore’s largest seagrass lagoon... Chek Jawa’s secret is indeed a picture of completeness and so it should be. This talk reviews Chek Jawa in its entirety as a timeless marriage between a great river and the sea, and show off her magnificent dowry of intertidal treasures sparkling with undisputed biodiversity and inter-dependency of habitats found nowhere else in Singapore today.
About the Speaker: Joseph Lai, 52, a botanist and a volunteer at heart, was the first to bring public attention to Chek Jawa which subsequently led to the deferment of land reclamation at Pulau Ubin in 2002. He is currently an officer with National Parks Board (Conservation Division) stationed in Pulau Ubin.

This talk is free of charge and registration is not required. For enquiries, please contact Ms Zheng Jiahui at zheng_jiahui@nparks.gov.sg.

Time: 3.30-4.30pm
Venue: Jurong Regional Library
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/