02 April 2012

28 Apr (Sat): Earth Day clean up at Tanah Merah

Special call to organisations to step up to make a difference for the amazing living shores at Tanah Merah! This second year-round coastal cleanup at Tanah Merah is conducted as part of Earth Day celebrations on 28 Apr (Sat), 8.30-10am.
The Tanah Merah shores are not as regularly cleaned as the recreational beaches, but it's very much alive! Here's some of the amazing marine life that I've seen on these shores!

A Spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)!
Oil-slicked Tanah Merah: Spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)
Also lots of seagrasses, corals, sea stars, moray eels and reef fishes of all kinds. I have been visiting these Tanah Merah shores every month since the oil spill in May 2011 and blogged about what I saw. It's wonderful to know that ICCS is going to mobilise to protect these shores!
You CAN make a difference for our shores!

Full details, online registration and other updates on the International Coastal Cleanup Singapore blog.