23 November 2011

Volunteering in Singapore: a video clip

Thanks to the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre, I had a chance to be a part of a short video featuring volunteers from all walks of life.
Created to celebrate International Volunteer Day 2011, this one-minute video hopes to educate and inspire more people in Singapore to volunteer.

I think the rest of the volunteers did a much better job at conveying the spirit and joy of volunteering! So I'm really grateful they let in bits of what I said.
The video was directed and produced by The Student Agency, Singapore Polytechnic, who volunteered to do this and were a delight to work with! There are more video clips in this series including volunteering as a family.

The video is part of International Volunteer Day 2011 Walk with Me. This event hopes to help more people empathise with the plight of the needy in Singapore, and at the same time, celebrate volunteers and their special gift to the community. Walk with Me is organised by the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) and its volunteer host organisation (VHO) partners; Lions Befrienders, Asian Women's Welfare Association, Pertapis, Singapore Association for Mental Health, Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society, YMCA of Singapore and Methodist Welfare Services. Make a difference for a cause you are passionate about.

Date: 26 Nov (Sat)
Time: 10am-8pm
Venue: *SCAPE

More details about the event on http://www.walkwithme.sg/