30 November 2011

Pulau Ubin - among the World's 10 Most Secret Islands

Jamie Moore on "World's Most Secret Islands" in Yahoo Travel says "we turned up 10 dreamy islands unknown to the average U.S. traveler"
The article goes on to say: "Looking for the perfect place to get away from it all? We searched the world and turned up 10 dreamy islands unknown to the average U.S. traveler. These little patches of unspoiled paradise, from the Great Lakes to the South China Sea, are relatively affordable and easy to get to. And the idea of getting stranded on any one of them would be, well, absolutely OK with us."

The other islands in the list of 10 include islands in Phang-Nga Bay Thailand, in Micronesia, and islands off France, Brazil and in the Caribbean.

Here's what the article had to say about Pulau Ubin.

Pulau Ubin

Location: South China Sea, off Singapore
Size: Four square miles
Population: 100

One of the last rural holdouts in Singapore, Pulau Ubin ("Granite Island") near Changi Point is a freeze-frame of Malay kampong village life in the 1960s. Thatched-roof homes sit among forested rolling hills and abandoned granite quarries. Fishermen live on kelongs, old wooden fishing houses built on stilts over the water. It's a soul-soothing escape from the highly urbanized buzz on the nearby mainland.

Island time
Experience village life, thick forests, and the occasional monkey or wild pig from the seat of a rented bicycle or on a walking tour. The island is known for its great seafood restaurants, and the steamed crab is divine. See interesting low-tide marine life at Chek Jawa or hit the sandy beach at East Coast Park. For a kampong-style stay, ride to Celestial Resort. Rooms start at less than $100 per night.

Getting here
At the Changi Point Ferry Terminal near Changi Village, take the 10-minute bumboat ride that departs once there are 12 passengers.

A great introduction to my favourite islands! Although East Coast Park is not on Pulau Ubin.

Here's more about Pulau Ubin, what to see and do and how to get there. Also more about Chek Jawa and how to get there. And the latest events and happenings on Pulau Ubin: news, blog posts, organised walks, talks and more!

Here's more photos of Pulau Ubin!

Visit Pulau Ubin for yourself and discover more of this secret gem!