06 November 2011

Marine life at Keppel Bay wins!

Congratulations to Marina at Keppel Bay for winning global recognition for its marine conservation efforts!
more on the Marina at Keppel Bay website.
An amazing variety of marine life grows on the pontoons at this Marina that makes an effort to keep the waters there clean. Thanks to Chang Ai-Lien for a great article about this in the Straits Times today.

From Chang Ai-Lien's article:
Mr Trevor Fong, the marina's general manager, said: 'As eco-consciousness becomes increasingly widespread, Marina at Keppel Bay has upped the ante to ensure that we achieve a sustainable environment by incorporating best practices in environmental conservation.'

For instance, a vacuum pump- out system ensures that sewage from vessels is not discharged into the waters. Boat owners are also encouraged to use biodegradable washing liquids and detergents when cleaning their yachts.
She also shared more about marine conservation efforts in Singapore and how some of us were involved in documenting the marine life at Marina at Keppel Bay.
Various sea fans
I took these photos at the request of Keppel Marina in their effort to document their marvellous marine life. Debby shares more about the approaches taken by the Marina that allow such marine life to settle here. More of my photos of Keppel Marina here.
Various sea fans
Debby of Hantu Bloggers, Abigayle of the Blue Water Volunteers and other volunteers also contributed photos to this effort which is showcased on the Keppel Marina website. Marine life we have seen here include hard corals, soft corals, anemones, sea fans, and reef fishes of all kinds.

Full article also on wildsingapore news.

What is even more amazing is that beautiful marine life can grow on all kinds of artificial structures! Here's more examples that I've come across in Singapore.

Wouldn't be wonderful if marine structures can incorporate designs that encourage such natural settlement? Perhaps even a 'Boardwalk to Nowhere'? Floating in the water, such pontoons allow ordinary people to view marine life at any tide, without getting wet!