19 November 2011

Jeff shares about diving Singapore's reefs!

What can we see diving in Singapore? Lots!
And Jeffrey Low proved it with lots of photos and stories today during his talk at the Nat Geo Store at VivoCity.

Even before the talk started, there was a nice large crowd gathered for the talk.
Jeff is in a LONG-sleeved shirt! With good shoes! Wow. We are impressed!
By the time Jeff starts the talk, there were about 40 people! He held their rapt attention with information about special finds on our shores, from the rediscovery of the Neptune cup to the Panda butterflyfish, which Jeff sighted and is a new record for Singapore. Also giant pufferfish, sea turtles and lots more. As well as some of the sad threats to our shores.
Of course everyone loves sea slugs! It was also nice to see many kids at the talk!
Jeff also covered the many ways ordinary people can help make a difference for our shores. With volunteer opportunities with the Mega Marine Survey, as well as the Blue Water Volunteer's Reef Survey.
Chay Hoon had a nice surprise for friends who attended Jeff's talk. It's Christmas, so it's time for sea slugs in Christmas hats!
Wah, she has made a whole bunch of these cuties!

Jeff sure fired up the crowd with his talk! And it was nice to catch up with friends after that.

There are MORE marine talks scheduled at the Nat Geo Store at VivoCity for the upcoming Saturdays. Thanks to Debby Ng of the Hantu Bloggers who put together this series of talks.

Debby will be giving a talk next week. In December, I and Siti will be giving talks. Debby also got the Store to host a small display of wildsingapore posters of Singapore shores. So do come by for the talk, bring your friends too. Find out more about our shores and how you CAN make a difference for them!

26 Nov (Sat): "Singapore's Southern Haunt" by Debby Ng

3 Dec (Sat): "Secret Shores of Singapore" by Ria Tan

10 Dec (Sat): "Forests of the Sea" by Siti M. Yaakub