23 September 2010

Dredging and massive reclamation next to Labrador until Apr 2011

The massive reclamation at Pasir Panjang continues until Apr 2011. This huge site is next to Labrador's shores, near Sentosa's natural shores and close to Cyrene Reef.
Dredging and reclamation works lead to high levels of sediments and thus murky waters. Like haze in the air, this 'cloudy' water is not good for our marine life.

Where does the sand for the reclamation come from?

It is dredged from 'Area 1' off our East Coast, marked by the four points on this Google Earth map.
Here's more about the adverse impact of dredging.

Here's a view of the work site in Jul 2010.
Reclamation at Pasir Panjang container terminal
And of the huge piles of sand used in the massive project, taken in Jul 2010.
Reclamation at Pasir Panjang container terminal
The work site is near the natural shores at Labrador and Sentosa. This photo is from the table top model at the URA Master Plan exhibition.The project is so large that it is likely to impact Cyrene Reefs as well.The work site (in green) in relation to Cyrene Reefs (highlighted in yellow).

Sand Mining and Dumping for Pasir Panjang Terminal Project

from Port Marine Notice No. 119 OF 2010 dated 23 Sep 2010
This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No. 40 of 2010. The working area at PPT has been revised and working period has been extended.

With effect from 26 Oct 2010 to 25 Apr 2011. 24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays.

Dredging area: Area 1, Eastern part of Singapore.

Dumping Area (Pasir Panjang Terminal Project Working Area – see above plan)

The reclamation works will involve dredging by Queen of Penta Ocean (TSHD) at Area 1.
Area 1 extends from the Singapore Port Limit into the westbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) within the Singapore Strait.

All dredged materials will be dumped at Pasir Panjang Terminal project working area (See above plan).

Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr. A. Kitagawa,
the project manager at Tel No: 8428 1216 (email: a.kitagawa@mypenta.net).

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