07 August 2010

Guides of Singapore shores: Mangrove plants and animals

We learnt lots about mangroves from Zeehan at another great Guides of Singapore shores workshop last Thursday!
One of the most compelling mangrove stories is how durians depend on mangroves!

Alas, the backup sound system inexplicably failed. But that's not too much of a problem for seasoned guides who know voice projection. Here's November of the Leafmonkey Workshop giving the introductions before Zeehan from the Blue Water Volunteers shared some great background about the mangrove ecosystem which will help us better place the information that we come across about individual mangrove flora and fauna.
Still, it was a relief on the vocal chords when Abby came to the rescue as she rushed down our usual sound system. Thanks Abby!Then it was time for our favourite part of the session, where we learn, share and DO! Based on pre-registration information provided by participants, we set up issues and situations which the participants would like most to overcome. So we brainstorm ideas on how to share our wonderful mangrove animals with some 'difficult' visitors. November had a great slide of a pinniped (walrus or seal or something) rolling on the floor laughing, to illustrate the importance of humour in our presentations. And she added humour by referring to it as a whale...haha!

After a quick discussion, everyone came up with great approaches and role play. This team shows us how we can intrigue photographers and share messages with them when sharing about fiddler crabs. Complete with participants acting as fiddler crabs! And shy crabs as that, constantly hiding in the burrow when photographers are not stealthy enough.
Another team shares how to captivate young school children in mangrove trees! With a very clever use of qi gong stance to show how stilt roots stabilise the tree. Awesome approach!
And the scariest group of visitors are 'scientists', but this group shows how we can win even such visitors with simple stories about our Cotton stainer bugs.
We are reminded that it's our last classroom session together for the series. Thus, our last chance for a wacky group photo. Here we are as fiddler crabs, the boy crabs with a big one and girl crabs with two little ones.
And here's everyone together with the facilitators who helped make the sessions possible. Thank you!
Our final session is in the field, putting into practice what we have shared these past few weeks. I'm really looking forward to it!

More about the Guides of Singapore shores workshop on the Leafmonkey Workshop.

The "Guides of Singapore Shores Workshop" is a collaboration among the Blue Water Volunteers, The Leafmonkey Workshop and wildsingapore with Supporting Partner, The Singapore Scout Association.