23 August 2010

3 Sep (Fri): Workshop for Nature Guides - Dragons and Damsels

Specially for nature guides, learn from the experts about our very own dragonflies and damselflies. Tang Hung Bun, an author of the recently launched "A Photographic Guide to the Dragonflies of Singapore" and Robin Ngiam give this workshop.
DragonflyBesides freshwater habitats, dragonflies may also be seen near shores and in mangroves! Like this one at Pulau Semakau's shore.

Organised by the Leafmonkey Workshop, this session introduces the ecology, biology and identification of dragonflies and damselflies. Our local Odonata experts will also share about the dragonflies species and its conservation in Singapore.

This workshop is likely to be more useful for those who have already started guiding. The workshop is not intended to replace self-study and practical experience in the field.


Robin Ngiam
Robin is a Senior Project Officer in the National Biodiversity Centre, National Park Board. He has just completed a two years Dragonfly Project in which he conducts surveys of park ponds and nature reserves; provide inputs to park managers and landscape planners on creating and maintaining pond habitats for dragonflies; and also conducting dragonfly training for staff. In addition he participates in outreach programmes by giving public talks to promote dragonfly conservation.

Throughout his five years in NParks, he has gained in-depth dragonfly knowledge through field surveys and interactions with like-minded individuals whom are either colleagues or NParks volunteers. Dragonflies are fascinating and Robin considers himself to be in a continual learning process.

Tang Hung Bun
Tang Hung Bun is an avid dragonfly-watcher and photographer. In 2009, he retired early from teaching and now dedicates his time to studying the dragonflies of Singapore. Together with Cheong Loong Fah and Robin Ngiam, he is responsible for the addition of 16 species to the national dragonfly checklist in the past six years.

Tang is also one of the co-authors of the newly released "A Photographic Guide to the Dragonflies of Singapore". Read more about the book on Celebrating Singapore's Biodiversity.

More details of the event on the Leafmonkey Workshop

Please register by 1 Sep (Wed).

For a sneak peak at our dragonflies, see Tang's awesome Singapore Odonata website.

See also Dazzling Dragonflies of Singapore for more about dragonflies of Singapore and the work done for them.

Time: 7 - 9.30pm
Note Change in Venue: Botany Centre, Singapore Botanic Gardens, 1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569 Civil Service College, 31 North Buona Vista Road Singapore 275983
Website: http://leafmonkeyworkshop.blogspot.com/
Contact: leafmonkey@gmail.com