19 July 2010

Kids learn about mangroves and seashores with Cicada Tree Eco Place

Gooey mangrove mud is home sweet home to the mudskipper, fiddler crab, chut-chut snail and many others. These amazing animals use the mud to make tunnels to live in, build mud ‘condos’, and also find their food! The mangrove tree rises above the mud, on its stilt roots. On it, a kingfisher will find a dry perch. Let’s explore the mangroves together and find out who else shares this muddy world!
Kids on the Chek Jawa boardwalk
This is "Our HOME, the MANGROVES" a nature education programme for children by Cicada Tree Eco Place. And is one of five lessons focused on introducing kids to various wild ecosystems in Singapore.

In "Our HOME, the SEASHORE", kids will learn about the tides that come in and out from the sea. Those living on the seashore have adapted to living with the tides, waves and hot sun. They make their cozy homes in all sorts of things, from rocks and sand, to shells and seaweed. Who are they? Let’s have fun on the seashore and learn all about the plants and animals that call this home.

Cicada Tree Eco Place says: "Just as we treasure Singapore as our home, so too do many native plants and animals call Singapore’s wild habitats their home. Sadly, most kids and grown-ups know very little about our natural areas where many wild species live."

Through “Our Home” lessons, kids will learn about animals, plants and the ecology of Singapore’s wild habitats: freshwater ponds and streams, rainforest, grassland, mangroves and the seashore!

More about the full programme on the Celebrating Singapore's Biodiversity blog.

More about Cicada Tree Eco Place at www.cicadatree.org.sg