It was a vortex of chaos in the set up, but somehow, every essential piece of equipment, each job that needed to get done, miraculously came together! Many thanks to the valiant volunteers who turned up early to fix everything from making sure all the equipment was working, aircon on, toilet paper in the loos, chairs laid out, reception fixed up, and Jun even managed to find a whisper of wifi to allow online registration for walk-in participants!

I barely scratched the surface of the issues and information, so there's a long reading list below for more background.
Then it was time for our favourite part: the workshops were we all learn, share and Do! As usual, everyone was sporting and there were lots of animated demos of various ways we might deal with difficult situations.

This is just the beginning as there's lots more exciting workshops on the various ecosystems coming up in the weeks ahead!
The "Guides of Singapore Shores (GSS) Workshop" is a collaboration among the Blue Water Volunteers (BWV), The Leafmonkey Workshop and wildsingapore with Supporting Partner, The Singapore Scout Association.
Upcoming workshops
15 July 2010 (Thu): Reefs and Coral Rubble
22 July 2010 (Thu): Rocky Shore and Coastal Forest
29 July 2010 (Thu): Sandy Shore and Seagrass Meadow
5 August 2010 (Thu): Mangrove animals and plants
More details on the Leafmonkey Workshop.
Meanwhile, here's the reading list of some of the issues I covered today.
Reading list
About our shores
- Info on publicly accessible shores for visitors
- Photos on wildsingapore flickr
- Reports of field trips to our shores on wild shores of singapore
Mega fauna on our shores: Dugongs and dolphins and sea turtles and otters
Threats to our shores
Marine debris
- International Coastal Cleanup Singapore
- News global and local about marine debris
Mass fish deaths at Pasir Ris
Flaring on Pulau Bukom
Oil spill
Coral bleaching
- Bleach Watch Singapore blog and facebook page
Here's more on how to make a start
Volunteer and NGO efforts
- NParks Ubin
- NParks Sungei Buloh
- Blue Water Volunteers (Kusu Island)
- Tropical Marine Science Institute (St. John's Island)
- Naked Hermit Crabs (CJ boardwalk and various)
- Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research (Pulau Semakau and various):
- BWV ReefFriends underwater reef monitoring
- TeamSeagrass seagrass monitoring
Shore bloggers latest marine shore posts
Recent government efforts for our shores
- Tekong mangrove restoration
- Pasir Ris mangrove restoration
- Sungei Buloh Master Plan
- SIRENT coastal erosion and habitat monitoring
- Singapore Delft Water Alliance
- Singapore's National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
- Tips for safety on the shores
- Online quiz
homepage with lots of tips for Station Zero "Every inch of the shore is alive"
- Why do a guided shore walk?
- For new guides
- Don't be a bad guide
- Be a good guide
- Role of a guide
- Tips on handling 'difficult' visitors
- Kids
- Photographers
- Mixed groups
- Know-it-all visitors
Fact sheets on common marine life with a photo index if you don't know the name of the organism.
Book list (links refer to online version)
- Tan, Leo W. H. & Ng, Peter K. L., 1988. A Guide to Seashore Life. The Singapore Science Centre, Singapore. 160 pp.
- Ng, Peter K. L. & N. Sivasothi, 1999. A Guide to the Mangroves of Singapore II (Animal Diversity). Singapore Science Centre. 168 pp.
- Ng, Peter K. L. & N. Sivasothi, 1999. A Guide to the Mangroves of Singapore I (Plant Diversity). Singapore Science Centre. 168 pp.
- Lim, Kelvin K. P. & Jeffrey K. Y. Low, 1998. A Guide to the Common Marine Fishes of Singapore. Singapore Science Centre. 163 pp.