06 July 2010

Dredging at East Coast National Sailing Centre until 26 Jul 10

There are few gently sloping sandy shores at East Coast Park. And on such shores, we have often found amazing marine life such as sea fans and brittle stars, burrowing moon snails, sand dollars and button snails.
But these are often wiped out by coastal works which has been relentless as works to deal with coastal erosion and park upgrading continues. And of course, the East Coast was badly hit by the oil spill last month.

Here's some past sightings on this stretch of East Coast shore affected by the sand dredging.

Sand removal work at National Sailing Centre
from Port Marine Notice No. 78 of 2010 dated 30 June 2010
With effect from 01 Jul 10 to 26 Jul 10, 24 hours daily including Sundays. East Coast Park, in the vicinity of Sungei Bedok (see attached chartlet):

The removal works will entail demarcation of work area and removal of sand by the work barge. The work barge will be used for transportation of equipment to the work site. There will be a safety boat in the vicinity of the working area to warn other craft of the project work. Further general enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Wong Cheng Wee, the project manager at Tel: 9862 2635 (email: wongii@oung.com.sg).