22 June 2010

Speared through jaw, dead 'dolphin' washed up at East Coast

Shared on Stomp on 21 Jun, "STOMPer zurenee found this body at East Coast. "
The STOMPer said: “Saw this at East Coast beach (near sailing club) about 4.45pm. It looks like a dolphin that has been speared to death.”
I'm not sure exactly what animal it was, but it is sad to see it killed so cruelly.

Thanks to Tan Swee Hee for the heads up on this. I understand a story about the find came out in the Mandarin media too.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for dead dolphins to be found on our shores. This was a dead dolphin that washed up at Labrador beach on 7 Aug 08. Read more about it on habitatnews.
We DO have living wild dolphins in our waters! Small family groups of these wild dolphins, as well as individuals, are regularly encountered in our Southern Islands.

Here's more about the Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin or Pink dolphins (Sousa chinensis) that live wild and free in Singapore!
Photo of a wild dolphin and her baby taken off Sisters Islands, May 07
Photo shared by CK Tan on the habitatnews flickr

Seen a dolphin? Dead or alive, share your sighting! Share it on the habitatnews mammal sightings report and MORE ways to share your sightings.