04 June 2010

Help wanted - clean up at Tanah Merah 5 Jun (Sat)

There is a huge accumulation of plastic and other marine debris on Tanah Merah shores. Unlike the East Coast Park beaches, Tanah Merah is not cleaned daily. And yet, there is probably more marine life at Tanah Merah shores.
Accumulations of plastic on Tanah Merah, seen in Oct 09

Andy Dinesh is organising an urgent coastal clean up tomorrow, which is also World Environment Day, focusing on removing "plastic bottles and other light debris most of which are coated with crude oil from the shore as these are likely to remain in the ecosystem unless they are removed."

You CAN make a difference!

from Andy Dinesh's facebook page
Urgent Coastal CleanUp @ Tanah Merah Sat 5 Jun 2010
Focus : to clear plastic bottles and other light debris most of which are coated with crude oil from the shore as these are likely to remain in the ecosystem unless they are removed.

Date : Saturday 05June2010.
Meeting Time : 0900am, Set off time is 0915am
Meetingg Place : Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal departure lobby.

What to bring : gloves, hat, poncho, drinking water/energy bar, trash bags.
Waterproof your valuables gear in case of rain. sneakers or booties.

End time : around 11am or 12noon (flexible - do what you can)

Let me know if you are coming by commenting on the Facebook events page.

Ask your friends too!

There is a limited number of gloves (rubber/rubber coated).
Trash bags will be provided but bring your own if you have them.

This shore is infested with sandflies. Repellent has no effect on them. Wear long sleeves and long pants. Covered shoes recommended for safety. More about sandflies.