01 December 2009

Kids can go wild on the shores this December!

There's a bewildering variety of fun activities for kids and the family on the seashores this December! Many are free! I realised this as I was frenziedly compiling activities for wildsingapore happenings.

Chek Jawa during a high tide walk, through the eyes of a child!

Here's some upcoming family seashore specials ...

3 Dec (Thu), 6 Dec (Sun), 13 Dec (Sun): MAD lessons on seashore friends with Cicada Tree Eco Place. Learn more about our seashore friends—sea stars and octopuses, sea snails and sea slugs, crabs and turtles! What do they eat? How do they reproduce? How can we make a difference in their lives? For kids 5-10 years old, $15/person.
At Vilma's request, I spent several days preparing A4 sized photos of our seashore life for this activity. You can view them all on my flickr and also download them to print out your own posters for your family! But there's nothing like participating in the Cicada Tree Eco Place activity! It's sure to be wild!

5 Dec (Sat): Sungei Buloh Anniversary Walk with the Raffles Museum Toddycats! Siva's long-running and much awaited once-a-year walk at Sungei Buloh is on this weekend. You can be sure of a lively introduction with new insights into our favourite Reserve. Free but registration required. More details here.

5 Dec (Sat): Kusu Island Reefwalk with the Blue Water Volunteers. Our wild and wonderful coral reefs are just too exciting to be enjoyed by divers only! Non-swimmers are most welcome, as we only visit the reefs during low tide, so you only expect to get wet around your ankles at most. $15/person.

6 Dec (Sun): Beach Critters: I want my Lunch!! This workshop at Pasir Ris is for kids 6-10 years old. Find small animals that call our beaches home! Ever wondered what hermit crabs or anemones eat? Learn about their feeding habits at this very hands-on workshop! Free, registration required.
Chay Hoon lovingly hand created beautiful models for this activity! Here's some photos of her gorgeous creatures which I stole off her facebook album.

13 Dec (Sun): Screening of "End of the Line" for a more serious introduction to some of the issues affecting oceans everywhere. Presented by WWF-Singapore: Where have all the fish gone? See the world’s first major feature documentary film revealing the devastating impact of overfishing on the oceans! Perhaps for the older kids? $5/person.

14 Dec (Mon): Chek Jawa boardwalk with Cicada Tree Eco Place. A great introduction by people who love kids and love Chek Jawa. $15/person.

12 Dec (Sat) and 19 Dec (Sat): Young Naturalist Passport Camp at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. A one day camp with fun-filled and educational indoor and outdoor learning through worksheets, nature walks and hands-on activities. The kids get a stamp for every completed activity. Unfortunately, it seems all places for this activity are already taken up.

And last but not least, on 26 Dec (Sat), the Free Chek Jawa Boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs!
I'll be guiding on this date and look forward to sharing Chek Jawa with yet more enthusiastic families. There's so much to see even at high tide!

From 3 Nov: "Under the Sea 3D" screening at Omni-Theatre for the kids who need airconditioning, an exciting but less stressful introduction to marine life.

You can also of course visit the shores on your own! For some of our more accessible shores, here's more details on how to get there, what to see and do.

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