21 December 2009

Have you seen a wild boar in Singapore? Rachael would like to know

Rachael Li needs your help to find out more about our wild boar especially those on Pulau Ubin. Please do her survey, which will help her propose methods to manage the population of wild boar there.
After deferment: public walks continues
Priscilla the wild boar at Chek Jawa used to accompany visitors to the shores.

Wild boar are quite plentiful on Pulau Ubin, and have also been sighted on the mainland!

If you have seen wild boar or any other interesting large mammals on land or at sea, Sivasothi would like to hear from you. He says ...
Animal sighting records have always been an important resource - over time, these can contribute to public awareness and education, suggest student research projects and supplement research in conservation and management projects. So any mammal record on land, sea and air is useful and large marine animals too - this includes turtles and interesting fish!

Just fill in the form at: http://mammal.sivasothi.com/ We would love to receive photos, of course, please send them to: mammal@sivasothi.com

This data will be shared with other vertebrate researchers and managers in Singapore. Highlights may be featured on Habitatnews from time to time (if the records are not confidential), e.g. http://tinyurl.com/habitatnews-mammal

More about Priscilla the Pig, and our other wild boar on the wild fact sheets.