25 November 2009

Sharing about Nature Blogging

This evening, a small group of nature bloggers gathered for the monthly Leafmonkey Workshop, this time for Nature Bloggers 2.0 - Level up!
The rather cosy small group learns a lot from blog-mistress November, Master of Many Blogs, Twits and other Things Web 2.0.

Including the Leafmonkey Workshop blog, which recently got a very handsome new look.
She shared many tips and tricks and suggested lots of ideas about enhancing our nature outreach through blogs. And added us to a google document with a long list of resources that we can look at more closely later on.
She also did a quick review of some of the blogs maintained by the participants. We all agreed the Naked Hermit Crabs blog needs a new look. We are all quite tired of it. Definitely on my To Do List...after next week's series of low tide trips.
There was also opportunities to try out some new ideas. Here's Vyna and Ley Kun trying out some snazzy widgets to display some other nature blogs on a blog. Yes, a blog-within-a-blog.
November gives Grace a hand at some tricky image adjustments.
While Brandon is ... checking emails? Haha. Brandon had a little caterpillar in the green box on the table. We are hoping it will turn out to be a pretty butterfly when it grows up.
We sure had some fun talking about blogging and other ways to reach out about nature to the interspheres. And all too soon, the aircon shut off and it was time to go home.

The next workshop is on molluscs and I'll be giving the short talk before another round of fun sharing and discussion about guiding and sharing. Hope to see lots of mollusc lovers at the workshop!

Read more about it on the Leafmonkey Workshop blog:
Marvellous Molluscs: Tentacle Tales and Shell Stories

Date: 11 December 2009, Friday
Time: 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Venue: Civil Service College
31 North Buona Vista Road Singapore 275983