09 July 2009

24 Jul (Fri): Talk on "Greater Mousedeer Populations on Pulau Ubin"

The greater mouse deer was recently rediscovered in Pulau Ubin, an island which is one of Singapore's last rural places and a popular recreation area.
What led to their rediscovery and comeback? What other mammals can be found on Pulau Ubin? Why are they threatened? Can this little hoofed creature and other medium-sized mammals live alongside man on Pulau Ubin?

Come for this talk by Marcus Chua to find out. Marcus, an NUS, Honours Student did his honours thesis on the topic "Can Medium-sized Mammals Co-exist with Man on Pulau Ubin?"

All are welcome.

Register on the NParks website (Click on "Mousedeer Talk" tab)

Time: 12-12:45 pm
Venue: Singapore Botanic Gardens, Botany Centre, Function Hall
Website: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/

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