29 June 2009

Sharing our shores at the AWGCME Welcome Dinner

Today I had the opportunity to share about our shores and the work done for them during the Welcome Dinner for the participants of the ASEAN Working Group Meeting on the Coastal and Marine Environment.
How nice it was to see Mr Ng Lang, Dr Leong, Mr Wong and everyone from the NParks Biodiversity Centre at the dinner! Earlier on, Siti also gave a talk to the participants about TeamSeagrass and Seagrass-Watch activities in ASEAN.

It was a really delicious dinner, and everyone was wearing Proper Clothes and Proper Shoes. Jac and Rachel were in suits!
I took the opportunity to share some special moments. Like the story of Chek Jawa, and the traditional year end toast to Chek Jawa while the boardwalk was being built.
I did a very quick run through of our favourite shores, such as Changi.
And recent surprises discovered such as the reefs at Tanah Merah!
I highlighted some of the work being done by volunteers for our shores. Such as the Reefwalks at Kusu Island and ReefFriends surveys by the Blue Water Volunteers.
The Family walks by the Naked Hermit Crabs at Sentosa.
The guided dives at Pulau Hantu by the Hantu Bloggers.
November's effort through the Leafmonkey Workshop to provide a platform for nature guides from all groups to share and learn together.
And of course, the monitoring of our seagrasses by TeamSeagrass.
I also took the opportunity to go on a bit about Cyrene Reefs, and shared about on going work there such as the Star Trackers.
And Collin's effort to tag the pipefishes at Cyrene Reefs.
I also touched briefly on the issue of abandoned driftnets and the work by the International Coastal Cleanup Singapore team.
It was tough to fit in all the wonderful work and amazing encounters on our shores into 20 minutes. The participants were very kind to give me their attention and I hope it was a small introduction to some of our shores and the great work being done for them!

Thanks once again to Rachel and Nigel for inviting me to give the talk.