24 June 2009

Dredging and Vibrocore Seabed Sampling near Kusu Island

These activities take place in an area larger than Kusu Island. As usual, we don't know why all this is happening there.
A4 Poster: Singapore has world-class reefs
The reefs of Kusu Island are very much alive, and form the background of this poster, one of a series of free posters about Singapore shores. Visit with the Blue Water Volunteers' Kusu Reefwalk to learn and see more our our very own wild reefs.

Dredging works (Sector C), South of East Keppel Fairway
from Port Marine Notice No. 74 of 2009 dated 22 Jun 09

With effect from 24 Jun 09 to 30 Jun 09, 12 hours (0700 hrs to 1900 hrs) daily including Sundays and Public Holidays at East Keppel Fairway and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):

Dredging works will be carried out by a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) in the working areas. While dredging, Queen of Penta-Ocean will maintain a speed of about 2 knots. The TSHD will dredge in the general direction of the traffic flow, to facilitate the traffic. When moving from the dredging area to the dumping ground, she will proceed at a safe speed of not more than 12 knots depending on the traffic conditions and visibility. The TSHD will at all times warn and re-direct craft in the vicinity to keep clear of the on-going dredging work area. Contact with the TSHD can be made via VHF Channel 18 or 12. Further general enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr. Abe, the project manager at Tel: 9664 8810 (email: y.abe@mypenta.net).

More about what a TSHD is and the impact of dredging.

Vibrocore Seabed Sampling off South of East Keppel Fairway
from Port Marine Notice No. 76 of 2009 dated 24 Jun 09

With effect from 6 JuI 09 to 10 Jul 09. 12 hours (0700 hrs to 1900 hrs) daily including Sundays and Public Holidays at East Keppel Fairway and its vicinity (see attached chartlet):

Vibrocore seabed sampling will be carried out by dynamic positioning vessel at the working co-ordinates. While sampling seabed material, the DP vessel will position on designated sampling point by dynamic positioning system without anchoring. The DP vessel will shift from present sampling point to another new sampling point one at a time, in the general direction of the traffic flow to facilitate the traffic. The DP vessel will at all times warn and re-direct craft in the vicinity to keep clear of the on-going working location. Contact with the DP vessel can be made via VHF Channel 18 or 12. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr A. Kitagawa, the project manager at Tel 8428 1216 (email: a.kitagawa@mypenta.net).