06 June 2009

Biodiversity outreach at Youth Eco-Fiesta 2009

A quick nap and off to another World Environment Day event. This time with TeamSeagrass to share about our seagrasses and shores at Youth Eco-Fiesta 2009 held in the heartlands of Tampines.
The NPark Biodiversity Trail (which first debut during EnviroFest 2009) was invited to participate in this event.

The Trail begins with an introduction to the fascinating wildlife in our Nature Reserves.
There are all kinds of bottled specimens. Some of these are road kill that were preserved. Sigh. At least they didn't die in vain and now allow us to share with Singaporeans more about our natural heritage.

Next to them, some Monkey Business!
Here's the young ladies of RGS who run this amazing programme saying hello to Minister Mah Bow Tan the Guest of Honour at the event.
The young ladies have developed quite a lot of stuff to sell their message of NOT feeding the monkeys in our wild places.
Including a book! They are looking for a sponsor.

At the mangrove booth run by Sungei Buloh, I met these shy ladies who were nevertheless keen to learn about the horseshoe crabs and other strange animals of our mangroves.
There was also a challenging puzzle station at the Pulau Ubin booth.

And of course, there was lots of action at the TeamSeagrass booth.

The Youth Eco-Fiesta also showcased youth talent and there was lots of music.
As well and dancing and singing!
In between the show items, the MC shared eco tips on recycling and other environmentally friendly habits.

Wow, it sure has been busy this weekend. And there's MORE. In a few hours, we'll be back on the shore for another low tide, then off to Sungei Buloh for a sharing session on blogging for nature.