I just love this odd mudskipper that Kok Sheng saw at Pasir Ris twice, in Dec 08 and in Mar 09.
According to "A Guide to Gobies of Singapore" by Helen K Larson and Kelvin K. P. Lim, its preferred habitat is "liquid mud" - what a great description for the scary soft mud that can swallow you up to your eyeballs! The mudskipper, of course, simply skims over the stuff.
The fish appears to be scaleless. But it does have scales, these are just tiny and partly embedded and thus not visible to the naked eye. The skin on the top of the head and on the back is full of blood vessels allowing the fish to respire through the skin. It uses its tall, mast-like first dorsal fin to display.
But I have yet to find out why it's called the bearded mudskipper. Hmm.
Marcus saw the pretty pink heart urchin in the photo on the right at Pulau Semakau this year. While I saw the brown one at Kusu Island five years ago!
Chay Hoon found TWO of these heart urchins on Pulau Sekudu.
I've finally done fact sheets for these wonderful snails that Chee Kong shared so long ago (Sorry for the delay, Chee Kong).
This delightful living cowrie was seen on Cyrene Reef nearly a year ago!
Chee Kong also shared photos and the identity of this strange little snail that he encountered on Cyrene Reef. It is the Variegated sundial snail (Heliacus variegatus). It has a conical operculum!
Chee Kong and Kok Sheng also shared photos of a Helmet snail (Family Cassidae) that they saw on Cyrene Reef.
Kok Sheng spotted yet another Helmet snail at Changi.
There's always some new sighting on every trip! And something new to learn. Our shores are quite amazing!
I'd be glad to include your sightings in the wild fact sheets. Just email me, Ria at hello@wildsingapore.com.