06 May 2009

New headland to be constructed at East Coast Park

Such beach 'improvement' generally damages existing habitats. But eventually, may create areas where there can be recovery. We shall just have to visit the shores and see what's there.

Restoration of shoreline along East Coast Park
from Port Marine Notice No. 56 of 2009 dated 4 May 09
With effect from 04 May 2009 to 03 Nov 2009. 24 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays, at East Coast Park (see attached plan):-

The restoration works will entail topping up of sand/stone in the revetment and construction of new headland.

The works will be carried out by excavators from the landward side and the materials for the restoration works will be provided by the work barges. A safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity of the working area to warn other craft to keep clear of the operations. Further general enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Eric Ang Sim Ai, the project manager, (Tel: 9759 5668 or email: ericang@koon.com.sg).