24 May 2009

EnviroFest 2009 - Day 2

Back at Envirofest for Day 2, for a short while.
Today, I'm particularly struck by the fantastic variety of attention-grabbing activities at the event.

At the Naked Hermit Crabs booth, the match-the-card game is a huge hit with young and old.
Debby at the Hantu Bloggers booth has a mind-boggling variety of mind-bending puzzles.
There is a constant queue to take part in the activities.
I am quite intrigued by this activity involving a hieroglyphic puzzle!

At TeamSeagrass, there's a count the dugongs activity.
There's a whole bunch of them hidden in the picture. I couldn't find all of them!
And also a word puzzle that required some concentration.

At the NParks booths the jigsaw puzzle remained popular.
And there's also a boardgame!
And Q&A to match corals or learn other things about our marine life.
There's also a very popular booth on recycling.
With kids making all kinds of stuff by recycling materials.
Not in the photos, the great computer game by Water Ways Watch involving something do to with cleaning up water borne litter.

All these games and activities include subtle messages and learning points. So participants can learn a little something about our biodiversity and some of the issues surrounding them.

Of course, you don't really need games when there are exciting specimens to share.
The Toddycats are kept constantly busy with the fascinating specimens of the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research.

Envirofest is also a great chance to catch Siva for a quick survey.
And also to catch up with old friends.
November has snuck out from house arrest, and Wai is back for a surprise visit!

Just like yesterday, it was another hot and humid day. But all the volunteers were still hard at work. There's more hours yet to go, but I've left to crash out for tomorrow's predawn field trip. Bravo to everyone for putting together such a fantastic event and keeping up the good work despite the horrendously hot weather.

With the large and constant crowd, I'm sure the effort has led to increased awareness about the many issues close to our hearts!

Blog posts and photos about Envirofest 2009 on the Envirofest Singapore blog: an updated list of links.