SPROUT workshopsprogramme to introduce blogging for nature.
It is easy to join!
Simply send in a drawing, photograph or write a 100 word BLOG ENTRY on the topic: “SPEAK UP FOR ENV!”
EMAIL your entry together with your NAME, AGE and SCHOOL NAME to post@sproutentry.posterous.com.
Registration will end on 11 May 2009.
More information can be found on sprout09.posterous.com.
23 May 2009
Blogging and Photography Workshop at Sungei Buloh Water Reserve
conducted by Mr Sivasothi, Ms Ria Tan, Mr Kenneth Pinto and Ms Colleen Goh
30 May 2009
Film Making Workshop at Pulau Ubin
conducted by Mr Eric Lim
6 June 2009
Comic Drawing and Sketching Workshop at MacRitchie Tree Top Walk
conducted by Mr Arron Teo