29 April 2009

Marina Coastal Expressway work started

The massive project will include reclamation of 13.1 ha of land: 9.1 ha at Marina Wharf and 4 ha at Marina East.

"We are basically next to the sea and we will use the right material as well as construction methods to make sure that all our construction is safe." said Chuah Han Leong, LTA's director of the project.
Proposed Marina Coastal Expressway, from the LTA website.

The complex project was said to be 'right up there with the toughest in the world' and comparable to projects like Shanghai's Yangtze River tunnel and Japan's Tokyo Bay Aqua Line.

Construction will take place in soft clay that runs as deep as 60 m in some places. 'Soft clay is not very good for construction,' said Chuah Han Leong. 'It is like working with toothpaste. So we have to conduct extensive ground improvement to enhance the safety of the excavation.'

The Marina Coastal Expressway is expected to be ready by 2013.

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