21 April 2009

'EXPRESS!' on line launch by ECO Singapore

Tomorrow, ECO Singapore will officially launch the website for an online version of its in-house publication “EXPRESS!”.
This youth environmental lifestyle magazine by the youth for the youth is the first of its kind in Singapore and possibly the region. It captures environment news, events and lifestyle features.

Started by a group of passionate young individuals, this quarterly publication has progressed from being a downloadable electronic magazine to a printed version which is circulated to schools and corporations.

Wilson Ang, President of ECO Singapore comments, “EXPRESS! Intends to not only be a means to inform the regular people how they can make a change in their daily lifestyle with the power to vote with their dollars and time, but it is an engaging tool for the public to express themselves on issues that is important for a more sustained planet for us to live in.”

View the online magazine at http://www.myecoexpress.com/