I found out it's a fuel hydrant system for Changi Airport set up and operated by six aviation fuel suppliers (Air Total, BP, Caltex, Exxonmobil, Shell and SPC). To "avoid duplication of infrastructure", these suppliers formed the Changi Airport Fuel Hydrant Installation Pte Ltd or CAFHI. The fuel hydrant system includes the fuel jetty, storage tanks, underground pipelines and other infrastructures .
Dredging at the Changi CAFHI Jetty
from Port Marine Notice No. 42 of 2009 dated 2 Apr 09
With effect from 08 Apr 09 to 31 Jun 09. 0700 to 1900 hours daily including Sundays and Public Holidays. At CAFHI Jetty, off berth No.1 (see above plan):
These craft will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals. Maintenance dredging works will be carried out within the working area. The Dredger Barge will be held by 4-point anchor moorings with a safe working zone of a 50-metre radius centred at the Dredger Barge. A safety boat will be deployed 24 hours in the vicinity of the working area to warn craft to keep clear from the on-going dredging works. Further general enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr Ang Kong Woon, the Project Coordinator, at Tel: 9626 8813 (email: hs131@singnet.com.sg ).
What is CAFHI?
Parliamentary Debates (PDF)
Monday 16th January, 2006 Volume 80 No. 15, on the NUS website
CHANGI AIRPORT (Provision of aviation fuel)
15. Prof. Ivan Png Paak Liang asked the Minister for Transport what are the commercial arrangements for the provision of aviation fuel at Changi Airport, and in particular (i) who are the concessionaires (ii) how are the concessions awarded; (iii) the duration of the concessions; and (iv) the pricing and conditions of service.
The Minister of State for Transport (Mrs Lim Hwee Hua) (for the Minister for Transport):
Sir, there are currently six aviation fuel suppliers at Changi Airport, namely, Air Total, BP, Caltex, Exxonmobil, Shell and SPC. To avoid duplication of infrastructure at the airport, these suppliers formed a company called Changi Airport Fuel Hydrant Installation Pte Ltd, in short "CAFHI", to construct and operate a single set of fuel hydrant system at Changi Airport.
The fuel hydrant system includes the fuel jetty, storage tanks, underground pipelines and other infrastructures which are shared by these fuel suppliers to store and deliver aviation fuel to their respective airline customers. Although the fuel suppliers share a common infrastructure, they compete independently. Pricing and services provided to airlines by each fuel supplier is contracted separately and airlines are free to engage any one of the six suppliers.
When Changi Airport opened in 1981, CAAS issued CAFHI a 30-year operating licence to operate in Changi Airport. Under this operating licence, which expires in 2011, the consortium is required to ensure the quality of aviation fuel from the fuel suppliers, as well as adhere to the performance standards in the supply of aviation fuel. Although major fuel companies like Shell, Exxonmobil, BP are already represented in Changi Airport, CAAS welcomes competition and any new oil company interested in doing business at Changi can do so by joining this consortium. The admission criteria for new entrants are spelt out in the CAFHI's Heads of Agreement. Any reputable oil company that can meet the admission criteria will be eligible to join the consortium by buying over an equity shareholding from the existing shareholders.