19 March 2009

Sharing our shores with the NUS University Scholars Program

Today, I shared about our gorgeous living shores and the wonderful work being done for them with an enthusiastic group of students from the NUS University Scholars Program.Prof Zhu Jieming (right most in the photo below) conducts the Sustainable Cities elements of the NUS University Scholars Program. He had invited Joseph Chun to speak on civil society. Joseph is THE expert on environmental law and other tricky issues like that.I learnt quite a bit about what civil society is (as opposed to civic society) and about concepts like social capital and other big words. I'm generally so focused on dealing with the daily and ground-level issues, it's good to get a chance to think about things on a larger level.Joseph kindly invited me to do part of the presentation, and share about our experiences at Chek Jawa and our shores. And I stretched the time quota and no doubt the patience of the students in going through our many adventures and the issues facing our shores.

I hope it was a useful introduction to our wonderful shores, and the many ways ordinary people CAN make a difference for them: simply Explore, Express and ACT!