19 March 2009

Green Singapore 2050 youth survey on Youth Habitat

The gS 2050 is a community initiative conceptualised by the Singapore Environment Council (SEC), which seeks to provide a platform for today's youth - those that will inherit and run the country in 2050 - to express their concerns about environmental issues, and collectively conceptualise solutions to them.
The survey which addresses key environmental issues that will have to be considered as Singapore plans its development for the next 50 years. What is your take on these issues? SEC wants to know your thoughts and opinions about them.

From the gS 2050 page on Youthabitat

Questions for those above 18:
1. How happy are you with the state of Singapore's living environment today?
2. Do you think our living environment will see an overall improvement or deterioration by the year 2050?
3. Do you think Singapore’s environmental quality will affect your decision to stay in Singapore or migrate elsewhere?
4. How do you think each of the following aspects of the environment will change over the next 50 years?
  • Energy Generation
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Nature
  • Recycling
  • Transportation
  • Water
5. Which aspect of our living environment do you think has the greatest potential for improvement?
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water
  • Recycling
  • Transportation
  • Energy Generation
  • Other (please specify)
6. How much extra money (if any) would you be willing to spend on improving our living environment?
7. Which aspect of Singapore's living environment would you be most willing to spend money to improve?
8. How important do you think reducing our energy consumption is to improving our living environment?
9. How much energy savings do you think can be achieved through energy saving behaviour? (e.g. switching off appliances instead of leaving them on standby)
10. How much energy savings do you think can be achieved through the use of more energy efficient appliances?
11. How much more would you be willing to pay for more energy-efficient electrical appliances?
12. Do you think it is important for Singapore to find alternatives to relying on fossil fuels for energy?
13. To what extent do you think each of the following alternate energy sources can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?
  • Wind
  • Solar thermal energy
  • Hydropower
  • Solar Power
  • Tidal energy
14. Would you be willing to pay more for the use of alternate energy souces?
15. Do you think we produce too much waste?
  • In household use
  • In product packaging
16. How do you think recycling will affect the amount of waste we produce?
17. What percentage of our household waste do you think can be recycled?
18. How far would you be willing to travel to a recycling facility, i.e. recycling bins?
19. How much more would you be willing to pay for convenient recycling facilities?
20. Please rate Singapore's transport system based on the following characteristics.
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Ability to support Singapore's increasing population
  • Comfort and Cleanliness
  • Reliability
21. Would you be willing to pay more money for improved public transport?
22. How much fuel savings do you think can be achieved through driving more fuel efficient cars?
23. How much fuel savings do you think can be achieved through good driving habits (e.g. not leaving the engine idling)?
24. Would you be willing to pay for a more fuel efficient car?
25. Do you think it is important for us to reduce our water consumption?
26. How do you think a reduction in water consumption will affect energy consumption on a national level?
27. How much water savings do you think can be achieved through the use of more water efficient appliances?
28. How much water savings do you think can be achieved through water saving behaviour (e.g. turning off the tap when soaping)?
29. Would you be willing to pay more for water efficient appliances than normal ones?

Questions for those 10-18 (Primary and Lower Secondary School)
1. What is your opinion of environmental pollution in Singapore?
2. How do you think Singapore’s environment will be in 2050, compared to today?
3. Which environmental issue facing Singapore today concerns you most?
  • Overconsumption of electricity
  • Air pollution – e.g. haze, pollution from cars, etc.
  • Water supply problems – finding alternative drinking water sources.
  • Too much waste being generated
  • Running out of non-renewable resources for energy – e.g. oil, coal.
  • Other (please specify)
4. Do you think it is important to take measures to better manage the environment in the future?
5. What actions do you think it is important to undertake to manage environmental pollution in Singapore?
6. Of the above actions, how important do you think each one is?
  • More education about environmental issues in school
  • Create more jobs in the environmental sector
  • Increase public awareness campaigns about environmental issues
  • Have stricter laws to protect the environment
7. To what extent would you be willing to engage with the environmental cause in the following ways
  • Pursue a higher education in an environment-related field
  • Pursue a career in an environment-related field
  • Attend talks and workshops on environmental conservation
  • Talk to your friends and family about the importance of environmental conservation
  • Volunteer with an environmental organisation
8. To what extent would you be prepared to make the following lifestyle changes in the future?
  • If buying a car, choosing a hybrid car over a non-hybrid one.
  • Using public transport, walking or cycling instead of buying a car.
  • Buying energy, fuel and water-saving appliances, even if they are slightly more expensive.
  • Separating rubbish into recyclable materials before disposing it.
9. Do you think Singapore’s environmental quality will affect your decision to stay in Singapore or migrate elsewhere?

What will happen to these survey results? Updated, downloadble copies of the results will be made publicly available on this website, as responses are gathered. These results will be a useful resource for multiple uses, ranging from academic projects on environmental consciousness in Singapore to corporate development plans, and for policymakers formulating long-term sustainable development policies.

Youthabitat also has discussion and projects aimed at solving these issues on their Wiki page.