20 February 2009

The Youth Habitat Portal

Brandon Chia has highlighted the Youth Habitat Portal, a web resource by the Singapore Environment Council for youths on environmental issues.Primarily focusing on brown issues (such as the 3Rs), it has sections on facts with tips, a calendar of events, partnership and funding, for submitting your environmental project to SEC, Scene 'n' Heard covers news on schools, individuals and global events, green jobs and internships, a green exchange along the lines of FreeCycle, and green blogs which features November's Midnight Monkey Monitor.

Here's what Brandon had to say about the Portal:
The Youth Habitat Portal is a focal point for networking, exchange of information and capacity building amongst youth in Singapore and globally. This online portal also gives voice to Singapore's youth efforts on the environment and spurs them on to become good global citizens and make a difference.

The Youth Portal aims to
  • Allow youths to find out more about our environment and check out on activities happening locally
  • Inspire Youths by showcasing what other youths are doing for our environment
  • Hook up with environmental or youth groups for possible collaboration
  • Assist youths how they can make a difference to our environment
This portal was developed from gathering Youths feedback - from those who love the environment and want to do more, or are just getting started. And it's ever evolving; feedback is always welcome.