14 February 2009

Why it is important to document and share our biodiversity

People will more readily accept a degraded environment, if they do not know the diversity that existed in the past.

A recent study in the UK found "generational amnesia" where younger people do not realise what has been lost. They also found "personal amnesia", where people fail to notice animals and plants declining even in their own life time.Chek Jawa is for the children"How can you get people behind conservation action if they do not know what they have lost?"

The researchers urged older generations to pass on information, in the same way the elderly have been encouraged to pass on social history about living through World War II.

"You would not deprive your children of what you had and therefore you should not deprive anyone,"

Full article on the wildsingapore news blog.

This is why I believe it is important to document our biodiversity (Explore our wild places!) and to share about what we saw (Express!) through blogs, talks and guided walks (ACT!). More about how you CAN make a difference for our wild places.