24 February 2009

Massive dredging off Cyrene Reef continues until Aug 09

Massive works that began in Jul 08 will continue until Aug 09. A submerged reef, Cyrene is alive with seagrasses, corals and other marine life.
Hard and soft corals on Cyrene Reef, Singapore
A wide swathe of sea floor is being dredged alongside Cyrene.Here is a photo of the dredger working off Cyrene in 2008.More about Cyrene on the wildsingapore website.

Dredging and Bedding Layer operations from Jurong Island to Pulau Ular
from Port Marine Notice No. 27 of 2009 dated 23 Feb 09

This is a revision of Port Marine Notice No 204 of 2008. The working details have been revised and working period has been extended.

With effect from 25 Feb 09 to 24 Aug 09, 24 hours daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays. At Selat Pandan, Sinki Fairway and West Keppel Fairway, within working areas in the attached plan:
Dredging works will be carried out by the grab dredger “Pandora” within the sectors as indicated in the chartlet. The grab dredger will be held in position by a 4-point anchor mooring system within the working area. The anchors will be marked by marker buoys. In addition, bedding layer operations will be carried out by the work boat “Jan Steen” at Sectors B, B1, D, D1, E, E1 and F. The bedding layer operations will entail the laying of small rocks at the bottom of the sea bed to level up the trench. The safety working zones are circular areas of 200-metre radius centred at the dredger “Pandora” and work boat “Jan Steen”. A safety boat will be deployed in the immediate vicinity of the working area to warn other craft of the project work. Further enquiries relating to the project can be directed to Mr P Bogers, the project manager, at Tel No: 9139 6094 or email bog@vanoord.com