07 February 2009

Fishy workshop for Nature Guides

A very enthusiastic LARGE fishy crowd gathered last night. To learn from Fish Guru Jeffrey, as well as to share and brainstorm ways to sell our fishes; through nature walks of course. In the spirit of the Leafmonkey Workshop's tagline: Learn, Share and DO!

Here's November, who runs the Leafmonkey Workshops that hosts these wonderful sessions. And Jeff who carried on despite a bad cold, and failing eyesight.
Jeff share lots of insights into fishes, including some gory ones! And helped us sort out some Confusing Fishes.

After a lively Q&A, it was time to create our Fantasy Fish based on the fishy principles to fit into an assigned ecosystem.This required a bit of discussion. Some trials with initial outlines.Wacky ideas.And even the most sausage-like object can become a fish!Resulting in various masterpieces such as these fishy creations for a mangrove, complete with pnematophores.And elaborate creations with colourful but well camouflaged fishes.

We also brainstormed and shared ideas on how to sell our fishes. The hardest was coming up with corny jokes!But here's the team who role-played the pajama-wearing, school-loving eel-tail catfishes!

We sure had lots of fun! And learnt a lot from Jeff and from one another. It was also really nice to meet so many old friends, and make new ones.

The next workshop is about Life between the Tides where I hope to share about the tides, and the kind of life these create on various types of ecosystems. For more details and how to register for the workshop, see the Leafmonkey Workshop. You MUST register so that I can have early understanding of your concerns and can tailor the content to meet them.